[-empyre-] affective art

Yesterday in the 2004  ACMI gallery space I observed  a 20 something male,
rip off this jacket, then sit on the floor meditating in front of  a large
plasma screen playing Deepchilds 'Whats going Wrong?" a soul funk flash
video clip dealing with war and refugee issues (a response to the Australian
governments immigration policy) ... http://www.deepchild.com/DC_clip.htm
when the clip finished he did a backwards somersault along the gallery
floor, dramatically flung a film magazine he was carrying down,  then ran up
the escalator out of the building..  hopefully to take some action.

my conclusion is that art is an affective media but that the affect is

thank you to our  guests who have raised many issues during this first week
of the 2004 forums: boat-people.org at http://www.boat-people.org , Sue Dodd
, The Escape from Woomera Project Team at http://www.escapefromwommera.org,
Scott Redford who was missing in action!! and Sam de Silva at

its impossible to sum up without sounding flippant on such critical
issues..undoubtedly art/media is a major theatre of activism today
and while tactical media may be a way to get arts funding, it also informs
and powerfully impacts on a wide audience.

melinda x

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